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Demonstrating Return on Investment for Corporate Sponsors in the Arts and Cultural Sector

July 2024

This article is related to a recently completed custom research project ABA conducted on behalf of a museum member. Our research team is always delighted to speak with members about tailoring research projects to your organization. To learn more or submit a custom research request, simply contact your member advisor or email us at

A member of ABA was interested in understanding how arts and cultural organizations can prove return on investment to their corporate sponsors. To address this question, ABA interviewed three museums and two corporations that respectively receive and give corporate donations on a regular basis.

Some key findings from the report include:

  • An outline of the criteria that sponsors seek when “investing” in a cultural or arts organization.

  • Best practices in how arts and cultural organizations may demonstrate return on investment to their sponsors.

  • Best practices for building a pitch document.

Members can download the full report below.