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Benchmark Analysis: Fundraising Tactics and Corporate Giving

November 22, 2022

As we near the end of the calendar year, we want to take a moment to look back on past ABA executive leader polls to assess the realities of fundraising projections notably around corporate giving, and learn about new tactics and investments in development overall. Our latest Arts Leader Survey asked arts leaders to benchmark themselves on their current progress made in achieving annual fundraising projections, communication platforms most helpful to fundraising efforts, and the overall state of and changes made to corporate partnership strategy. Highlights from the survey include:

  • The majority of arts organizations are currently either on track or ahead of various fundraising goals, although one-third are behind their goals for individual and corporate giving.

  • While the budget for overall corporate partnerships remained steady this year compared to last, over half expect the dollar value of of corporate partnerships to increase next year.

  • Over the past two years, most have added corporate donor responsibilities to existing jobs, with a quarter of organizations having created or hired for a new position dedicated primarily to corporate memberships.

  • From the eyes of arts organizations, corporate partners seem to most value their recognition of being an arts supporter, while few value networking with arts board members and other corporate partners.