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Fraudulent Ticket Activity

Our latest ABA Executive Benchmark explored issues of fraudulent ticket activity and ticket reselling at arts and cultural organizations.

Highlights from the survey include:

  • Most organizations have experienced issues with fraudulent tickets and/or unauthorized ticket reselling this year, though at varying rates.

  • When audience members purchase a fraudulent or resold ticket, around three-quarters of participating organizations will honor the ticket or offer a new seat at no charge to the patron.

  • Box office teams are at the forefront of dealing with fraudulent ticket activity. Most organizations have trained these teams to recognize counterfeit tickets, and box office managers are typically responsible for resolving issues arising around fraudulent sales.

  • Two-thirds of responding organizations believe that fraudulent ticket activity has increased noticeably over the past several years, and that it is a top area of concern for the arts and cultural sector.

Page one of ABA benchmark on fraudulent ticket activity
Page two of ABA benchmark on fraudulent ticket activity
Page three of ABA benchmark on fraudulent ticket activity
Page four of ABA benchmark on fraudulent ticket activity