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Since reopening from the closures of the pandemic, arts and cultural organizations have stayed vigilant in assessing the state of their recovery and sales. Our latest Arts Leader Survey asked arts leaders to benchmark themselves about the current state of single ticket sales, filled hall capacities, subscriptions, and no-show rates across the performing arts sector today compared to 2019 (pre-pandemic).

Highlights from the survey include:

  • Compared to the last pre-pandemic year, organizations are seeing a slight decrease in single ticket sales and even more decreased subscription sales in fiscal year 2023.

  • In addition, no-show rates are slightly higher in current times when compared to pre-pandemic times.

  • With these trends in sight, half of organizations are investing more resources in cultivating new audiences, while a quarter are investing more in getting people to come back.

  • Overall, there are more flex exchange policies available for subscribers than single ticket buyers when looking at tactics to limit no-shows as well as for people to return tickets if they are unable to attend.

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