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Education Programs

As schools and communities across the globe return to more pre-pandemic activities, arts organizations are looking to better serve their communities through education programs. Our latest arts leader survey asked arts leaders to benchmark themselves about the state of their current education programs, investments in digital education programs, as well as how revenues and costs around education programming have changed since pre-pandemic years (i.e., 2019).

Highlights from the survey include:

  • Organizations are generally either increasing or maintaining investments in their education programs this fiscal year from last fiscal year

  • The majority of organizations have continued at least a portion of digital education programs that existed during the height of the pandemic, and 25% of orgs are likely to increase investments in digital education programs over the next 2-3 years. 

  • Half of orgs increased education tuition and fees this fiscal year compared to last.

  • The majority are either increasing or maintaining education administrative staff this fiscal year compared to pre-pandemic (2019). 

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