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Cybersecurity Measures

In recent months, arts organizations have experienced major cyber security breaches, putting the industry on high alert for reevaluating security protocols. Our latest Arts Leader Survey asked arts leaders to benchmark themselves on their overall preparedness and concern around cyber security breaches, the state of their disaster protocols and training, as well as any advice for working with external contractors/advisors.

Highlights from the survey include:

  • Although the majority of arts orgs are concerned about potential cyberattacks, they also feel somewhat confident that they are prepared to face them.

  • Compared to the last fiscal year's budget towards cybersecurity measures, arts orgs have increased budgets an average of 25% this year.

  • Most orgs have formal policies in place for areas like data back-up, internet connection, multi factor authentication, and passwords; fewer have policies for overall incident response programs

  • One-quarter of arts orgs do not currently offer formal staff training in cybersecurity but are planning to in the near future.

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