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Creating Your Shared Value

Interactive Member Workshops


Team Overview: Getting Started with Shared Values


In this session, we’ll share the core teachings and key takeaways from our Coming Back Stronger research on the power of Shared Values with your broader cross-functional team including:

  • The power of Shared Values to drive loyalty, especially with casual attenders

  • The five key elements of a shared value: higher order, emotional, relevant, credible, and differentiated.

  • The difference between Shared Values and your organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategy.

  • Instantiating Shared Values across touch-points.

This session can help ignite excitement about Shared Values across your team and allow those who attended the Coming Back Stronger sessions to share their own initial ideas and hypotheses with their colleagues.


1.5-hour team presentation with discussion and Q&A


A solid understanding of the Shared Values framework across the team

Next Steps:

Shared Values Readiness Assessment



Shared Values Workshop 1: What You Stand For


Shared Values live at the intersection of what you stand for and the higher order values your audiences aspire to.  In this workshop we’ll start by looking inward - at the unique gifts your organization offers the world.  Using a variety of techniques, we’ll brainstorm potential organizational values that could serve as a good starting point for your eventual Shared Value. Exercises will include:

  • Mining your origin story and institution history for unique elements and values.

  • Credibility Test: Examining your past productions/exhibitions, events, marketing, community engagement, and more to evaluate how well your organization has embodied potential values in the past.

  • Differentiation Screen: Assessing potential values against what other arts organizations in your genre and geography might offer.


2-hour interactive team workshop


2-3 potential internal values

Next Steps:

Audience value insights gathering



Shared Values Workshop 2: Values Your Audiences Aspire To…


While we start with the internal values the organization already holds, the real magic of Shared Values comes from attaching those ideas to audience aspirations.  In this workshop we’ll focus on your audiences’ higher order emotional needs and points of tension and identifying the ones you can help fulfill via your art.  Exercises will include:

  • Digging into audience insight gathering for potential values.

  • Tension Test: Brainstorming tensions you can help audiences resolve.

  • Relevance Screen: Examining potential values for connections to audience members’ lives outside the arts.


2-hour interactive team workshop


2-3 potential audience values

Next Steps:

Internal and external pressure-testing



Shared Values Workshop 3: “We Believe…” Putting it All Together


At the intersection of what your organization stands for and the values your audience aspires to is your Shared Value - a “We Believe” statement that details a higher-order value you both share.  In this workshop, we’ll combine the work from the previous two sessions to draft and pressure test a possible Shared Value for your organization.  Exercises include:

  • Brainstorming possible “We Believe” Shared Value statements based on refined outputs from Workshops 1 and 2.

  • Evaluating strengths and weaknesses of potential Shared Values against the five key elements.

  • Bringing the Shared Value to Life: Ideating ways in which your Shared Value could spread through multiple touchpoints including marketing, development, partners, and community engagement.


2-hour interactive team workshop


A draft Shared Value

Next Steps:

Final internal and external pressure-testing and organizational alignment



Share Values Readiness Assessment


A short online assessment to help arts organizations examine how prepared and aligned the organization is to pursue development of a Shared Value.  Assessment areas include:

  • Understanding of key components of Shared Values

  • Alignment around internal mission, vision, and values

  • Current level of audience understanding

  • Leadership and Board buy-in

  • Potential obstacles and barriers


10-minute online assessment


Summary report with recommendations on next steps based on your results

Next Steps:

Dependent on assessment results