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Reminders for Communicating with Donors in a Time of Crisis

March 13, 2020

As more and more arts organizations close their doors in response to Covid-19, the importance of donors to sustain many of these organizations through the crisis is undeniable. While it may seem like a tough time to seek donations given the economic uncertainty and heightened levels of personal anxiety, arts organizations cannot afford to shy away from fundraising. We’ve pulled together a few reminders on how arts organizations should communicate with their donors during times of crisis.

Reminder 1: Communicate early and often with donors

Donors are invested in your organization and want to be informed of how you are managing the situation. Providing specific communication to donors on your organization’s planned response and keeping them updated as it evolves not only gives them confidence in your organization’s future but also keeps the organization top of mind and reminds donors of the financial stress the organization faces.

Reminder 2: Make donors feel invested in your organization’s response

Reach out to key donors for their expert advice on how to address the situation. Getting them involved in the decision-making process provides a great opportunity for engagement and makes them feel a level of responsibility to help the organization move forward.

Reminder 3: Be transparent about the support the organization needs

Now is not the time to shy away from asking for donations. While it may seem difficult to ask for money in a time of economic uncertainty, past economic crises show that most donors still give. Arts organizations should take this time to craft a compelling case on the funding they will need and concrete steps they plan to take moving forward. Be explicit about the impact donations will have on the organization at this time.

Reminder 4: Shore up relationships with existing donors

Use the crisis as an opportunity to check in with existing donors. Thank donors for their support and emphasize how much their donations matter to the organization during times like these. Arts organizations should also use these conversations to take a pulse on donors’ likelihood to fulfill their existing commitments and potentially give more.

Want to read more? Here are some helpful related articles:

·  Principles for Fundraising: The Coronavirus and Philanthropy - CCS Fundraising

· Charitable Giving and the Great RecessionStanford Center on Poverty and Inequality – includes statistics on giving during a recession

· Fundraising During Crisis -, discusses Rolling Stone-related crisis at University of Virginia